Pictures from Troops

SSgt Victor Carona, Operations Platoon Chief, MWSS 372 (FWD), receives
package from his adoptive family back home

SGT Martha Bolt, CTF Dragoon Paralegal NCO, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan

SPC Schissler & others in Afghanistan wrapping up in their new blankets sent by HUGS!

SGT Erik Ortiz (USMC, Camp Pendleton) standing post in Afghanistan just as the sun was rising

3rd Platoon Scoundrels, B Co., 3-15 IN, 4BCT

SGT Ryan Brown & Big 10 Team
on their way to Afghanistan

SGT Ryan Brown and Team on deployment day
4BCT 10th Mtn. Div.
SFAT 9 from Fort Carson in Afghanistan

SrA Harvin and others at Kandahar, Afghanistan

PFC Benavidez & fellow Soldiers on patrol in Afghanistan

1st Radio BN, Afghanistan

SFAT 9, 1-10 CAV, 2BCT, 4ID (Afghanistan)

SGT Pryor & Fellow Soldiers, 720th MP BN, Afghanistan

Reservist Jane Schlaudecker & friend leave for Afghanistan
(113 Med Det)
PFC Britton & CVPL Redington next to their
Mine Resistant, Ambush Protected All-Terrain Vehicle
(2BDE, Fort Carson, Afghanistan)

SGT(P) Jeffery Labarre receives medal (10th MTN, Afghanistan)

PFC Nar Rockin' the chopper
Afghanistan (10th MTN, Fort Polk)

1LT Oledan, Afghanistan

SPC Colvin, 1-16 INF, Afghanistan

1-75CAV in Afghanistan

MSG Ware & others at 4/10 MTN Shop, Afghanistan

SSG Castillo & Team, Sustainment BDE, 101st Airborne, Afghanistan

PFC Dickerson, 3-4 IN, Afghanistan

WWE Girls visit our 101st Airborne Soldiers in Afghanistan!

Cpt. Dales & others enjoying Christmas cigars and clubs

SPC Sands, 10th BSB, 1/10 MTN DIV (Afghanistan)
Nick Craig proudly displaying American Flag in Afghanistan

Sgt. Steve Holwegner & Platoon enjoying Girl Scout cookies sent from Hugs
(D Co., 2-69AR, Iraq)

SFC Scott Zeller (left)
2/107thCAV (Ohio) ... 155th BCT (Camp Shelby, MS)

PFC "Doc" DeBiaso prepares for deployment to Iraq

Thank you, Rock-Tenn, for the baby wipes!

2LT Wambangco of the Illinois Nat'l Guard distributed the ink pens
Hugs sent for the Afghan children. As he stated, "I found out that
when the Taliban ruled here, they outlawed reading and writing. Now
that they are no longer in standing power, the locals really want pens."
2LT Wambangco of Illinois National Guards sitting in the shade with
Afghan children on a 120+ degree day
One of the Afghan patrol dogs often stops by to visit our Soldiers.
He's enjoyed the doggie treats and rawhides Hugs has sent!
Soldiers having dinner at a District Police Station with the Afghan Nat'l Police

SSG Travis "Doc" Brown

LCPL McGee received a red, white & blue pinata from his sponsor,
Betty Tesh, for a Fourth of July celebration

SKCS Shelton and Team
(USNS Sacagawea)

Marines in Iraq are happy to get Girl Scout cookies!

Marine SGT Zovath in Ramadi, Iraq enjoyed the Girl Scout cookies

Look at the smile our Girl Scout cookies put on this Marine's face!

Tight fit in Chinook helicopter

Where Team Scimitar wash their dishes, brush their teeth & shave

Stuck in the Iraqi sand

SSG Nance

Living conditions ... Soldier's latrine

SFC Cortes

Soldiers relaxing in tent

Maj. Davis talking to local Iraqi Sheik

CPT Veld taking care of fellow soldier

Team Scimitar's Chow Hall in Iraq

Care packages from home

Team Scimitar

Polish Battle Group soldiers handing out toys to the Afghan children
(serving alongside our U.S. troops)

Polish Battle Group soldiers serving with our U.S. troops
and a part of our Adopt-A-Soldier program

Marines' Tactical Robot
... Sgt. Zovath, Ramadi, Iraq

3rd Platoon, A Co., 33rd Force Protection BN, Afghanistan
(Illinois National Guard)

Marine Cpt. Molly Price returns home from Afghanistan

SPC Kathleen Coy and Platoon, Afghanistan
(3BSTB, Fort Drum)

CPT Molly Cahill & Crew, Afghanistan

1-77 FA, Iraq
(Schweinfurt, Germany)
134th ARW, Baghdad, Iraq
(McGhee-Tyson AFB)

2nd Brigade, 101st Airborne, Iraq
(Fort Campbell)

3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Iraq
(Fort Benning)