List of Items
No aerosol cans, glass containers or pork products are allowed.
Food Items
Individual size snacks or cans of Pringles, pretzels, cookies, crackers, nuts, trail mix, peanut butter or cheese crackers, sunflower seeds
Hard Candy (Lifesavers, Jolly Ranchers, Tootsie Pops) and Mints
Gummy bears, chewing gum
Individual servings of powdered drinks for water bottles such as Lemonade, Gatorade, Kool-Aid, Tang, Lipton To Go Tea, Crystal Light On The Go, energy drinks, Propel
Beef Jerky, Slim Jims
Pop Tarts, Nutri-Grain, Granola, Cereal Bars, trail mix
Small flip top canned fruit
Pudding cups
Tuna & crackers
Peanut Butter (small plastic container)
Chocolate between the months of October and March only
Other Items
Twin set of sheets
Bath towel
Powdered laundry detergent (single load)
White socks (calf or boot height)
Hand/Toe warmers during cold months
Footballs, baseballs, gloves
Playing Cards, board games, card games
Stationery & Envelopes
Assorted greeting cards for Soldiers to use to write their families & friends
Mail Your Items to:
Hugs for Our Soldiers
P.O. Box 532
Vonore, TN 37885